Historical Asset Monetization & Trade
SWT consults on finding an excellent solution for those with historical assets and inquires about keeping them in the trading program.
What we do?
If you have historical assets and are looking for any trading opportunities to place them for sale, the SWT team has an ideal desk to arrange the path for you. Our resource team is available to find a trusted resource after analyzing your asset. How does it work-
Step 1
Get in touch with the SWT team if you have any historical assets to sell or are seeking to buy trusted and quality-checked historical assets.
Step 2
Experts will ensure and analyze your asset for its authenticity and value.
Step 3
You need a KYC and compliance package before keeping your asset to any monetization.
Step 4
Only after the entire verification process of validation and value proposition by International financial institutions and experts a commercial proposal for purchase or trading program will be sent to the owner for the decision.

What we do?
You can take part in a Trading or Monetization Program if you are interested in buying or selling the following historical assets-
- Golden Gun
- Golden Eagle
- Golden Buddha
- Golden Bible
- Golden Castle
- Golden Camel
- Gold Bullion Bars-must provide a NI-43-101 Report
- Any Historical asset that is golden
- 1924 German Bonds – MOTHER BOXES ONLY OF 1000 NOTES
Preferred Location
SWT believes that quality should be unrestricted in any geographics. Value & quality should always remain the focus and reach their destination. We accept historical assets from any part of the world- including Brazil, Columbia, and Mexico.
Where to store the Historical Assets
To keep the process full of security and maintain the protocols, you need to hold the historical assets at a valid and updated SKR in a Security house or an Attorney’s office -any Bank SKR.
How do we make Historical Assets Monetization and Trade possible for you?
Dealing in the industry for a long time has shown us every phase where we have dealt with the most prestigious organizations and excluded the fraud ones. And those, who own historical assets, need to be more careful, as they are the precious value of an era.

From the very beginning, SWT keeps openness in the whole process. We understand you are the owner of your asset, and dealing and monetization is your own decision for any profits. We place you in the right place where you can monetize your product and yield suitable value.

Value Production
A price corridor is negotiated between an owner and a buyer. Once the location, history, and condition of the assets have been carefully evaluated, we land your assets to produce value in the business on the national or international market. Hence, SWT is the best Historical Asset Monetization and trade company.
Looking for a place to sell or buy trusted & quality-checked Historical assets? SWT is here to help you.